“As soon as I heard of this “new thing” called healing ministry and that my friend was one of the prayer ministers, I couldn’t wait to get started. I’d been involved in counseling various times throughout my life so this seemed to be just a different style….boy was I wrong. My sessions with my prayer ministers were incredibly life changing. Even filling out the intake form was interestingly hard. Having to write and acknowledge things from my past that I thought I had buried began a work in me that only the Holy Spirit could finish. My prayer ministers lovingly walked me through scenarios and memories until the Holy Spirit made clear which stronghold HE wanted to deal with. Initially I didn’t want to, not because I was afraid, but because I thought I had dealt with it years ago. My prayer ministers prayed with me, cried with me, walked through the memory with me and helped me to realize where Jesus was IN that memory and pain. What I experienced in that week was truly ONLY GOD that could have healed me. It was beyond magnificent. These were NO TYPICAL counseling sessions, they were truly HOLY moments where God was invited, consulted, sought after, brought into and PRESENT!! Never before have I had such FREEDOM from pain, LIBERTY from guilt and RELEASE from old wounds. With the help of my prayer ministers I finally let go and let God, and my healing began. My work with them has helped me to see God as my healer and to trust Him more with those shadowed areas in my life. It was so life changing that I’m looking forward to working with them again…. you can never have too much freedom and I have more areas that need freed for sure!”
“I was pleasantly surprised at the effectiveness of the tools used by this ministry. The process is Bible-based and they invite the Holy Spirit to participate in the sessions and that is the most significant difference between their ministry and other counselors I’ve met with. You’re going to get results when the Bible and the Holy Spirit are given proper place.”
“A few years ago, I knew it was time to seek help in healing from past traumas. I was hesitant because I didn’t know what to expect. I was coming with 40+ years of trauma, baggage and lies that the enemy had me believing and I was more than broken. Those closest to me urged me to contact Grace Works Healing Ministry. To this day, I remain grateful that I took the step of faith and did it! These women led me well because they listen to the Holy Spirit and minister accordingly. They’ve openly and honestly communicated with me before starting to minister through the sessions and they still do today. These prayer ministers taught me to recognize a lie of the enemy, call it out and replace it with truth. I now have tools in my toolbox. They spoke truth over me and love into my broken heart-the healing changed my life.”
“I went into my sessions with Diane and Kris with mixed emotions. I was excited for the outcome, but nervous for the process. I knew that I wanted healing, but because of past issues, I wasn’t looking forward to the embarrassment of bringing them up. Little did I know that those cautious feelings were only in my imagination. Diane and Kris took me on a journey better than I ever imagined. I felt so much love and acceptance and was able to quickly trust them and allow them to lead me on the deepest healing journey of my entire life. I was able to let go of things that I previously didn’t realize I had been believing, thinking and carrying. The issues that I thought I had turned out to be only lies that I had believed and accepted. They literally gave me a fresh and healthy perspective based on what God says about me. We dealt with some deep core issues that have infiltrated many other areas of my life. I have received tools that I am able to apply to so many other situations and I’ve noticed a freedom and joy that I’ve never had before. The only thing I wish I had done differently was to go through these sessions sooner!”
“I have a previous history of struggling with kidney stones. During this incident, I had been experiencing excruciating pain from trying to pass a kidney stone for more than a week. I wasn’t sleeping well, was unable to focus, was irritable, etc. One evening one of the Grace Works Healing Ministry facilitators came and prayed a healing prayer over me. It was so powerful and so real. As she was praying I could feel heat moving into the kidney area. About an hour later I passed that jagged stone! I have not had an issue with kidney stones since. More than four years have passed and I have been stone free! This facilitator has been anointed by God to be an instrument through which He heals his children in so many ways. I thank God for these prayer ministers and their Grace Works Healing Ministry!”
“My experience with this team has been truly amazing! As the Holy Spirit worked through them I found that I had not only buried hurts and offenses that I was “sure,” I had “dealt with,” many years ago, but discovered deep rooted lies I’d been believing about myself and others that I allowed to rule my DAILY life! I was shocked that after all these years, I hadn’t been able to see them. I had blinded myself in order to “stay strong,” for myself and everyone around me. I THANK GOD for this ministry and this team for caring enough to be used by the Lord to help me heal. There are no accidents! God brought exactly what I needed to heal my old wounds, His personal ministers just for me!”
“The facilitator was absolutely incredible during my time in this program. I had walked into our meeting full of anxiety & nerves but left feeling one million times lighter. She was incredibly knowledgeable & explained everything clearly without judgement. With something as heavy and nerve wracking as this, it was so amazing to have this minister on my side to get me through to the end. I would recommend her to anyone who goes through the program as she truly is a vessel for God. Thank you, Grace Works Healing Ministry!”